
You Need Us :

Sometimes due to people’s personal reasons ( such as time , health and financial problems ) People are not able to do it themselves. So that’s where we, our Mokshaam team, will step in and do the prayers on your behalf. We aim to keep the prayers personal as if you were there doing it for them. As per our Religion rites, its fully accepted by our god and our beloved ones.

Details Required:
  • Name Of Departure Soul
  • Date, Time, Location & Reason of Death
  • Gotra/Surname of Departure soul
  • Asthi Visarjan Perfomed by ( Name and Relationship with Departure soul )
  • Address
  • One Photograph Of Departure soul
  • Relative’s Name and Relationship with Departure Soul
  • Asthia (ash) (well packed by courier)
  • Our Package Includes

    Asthi Visarjan onward -> Arrangement for Asthi Visarjan Yatrai from Malaysia to Kashi -> Pooja will be recited in Tamil -> Live video recording -> GPS tracking -> Donation for Aghori pooja -> Certification for Asthi Visarjan

    Our Process : Booking for client -> Booking Confirmed -> Payment Confirmed -> Meeting with client and receive Asthi -> Specific date and time will arranged to go to India -> GPS tracking on route -> Live video recording when arrived at Varanasi -> Do Pooja Asthi Visarjan at Gangga ghat -> Live video shot for client -> Certification from Kashi temple when Asthi Visarjan is done -> Client will receive the video and certification when our Mokshaam team has arrived back in Kuala Lumpur.

    Contact Information

    Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859
    Sit Rd, Azusa New York

    We're Available 24/7. Call Now. (888) 456-2790 (121) 255-53333
    Find us here